jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Volcanic eruptions

Here you are some amazing images of volcanic eruptions in the world. Enjoy them and think of the consequences of living near a volcano.

Here you are as well, a very short video about volcanoes, try to write as many words as you understand related to this topic. Good luck!

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Earth layers

Here you are a very short video about the Earth Layers.
Try to get the main points of it.
Good luck!

Earth Layers

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

El campo en otoño

Hola a todos

Aquí os dejo un par de enlaces para ir trabajando de manera previa a la visita a la Sierra Norte de Huelva.
Veréis que podremos conocer un par de pequeños pueblos de la Sierra: Alájar y Castaños del Robledo.
Además de disfrutar del paseo por el campo, tendremos que estar atentos a las cuestiones relacionadas con los siguientes aspectos:
- Paisaje
- Flora
- Fauna
- Arquitectura

Asigna un ýýrbol a cada fruto from Mercedes Romero

Tras nuestra visita al campo, ahora toca trabajar en las hojas y frutos que hemos recolectado y en las plantas de las que proceden.

Para este puente contarás con esta tabla que te adjunto y que tendrás que completar con la ayuda de los enlaces que te pongo más abajo así como con el enlace a INFOJARDÍN que tienes a la derecha y con los libros de Conocimiento del Medio y otros que encuentres en casa.

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Making new friends!!!

Hello everyone!!!

Here you have the website of a school in U.K. that wants to keep in contact with us through different ways.

The beginning of our relationship will be through the exchange of Christmas cards and letters.
Are you ready for making new friends???!!!

Then...Go ahead!!!

¡¡¡Vuestra exposición de cuadros está lista!!!

¡¡¡Al fin está lista vuestra exposición de cuadros!!!

Ha costado un poco recabar tantas obras de arte de los fondos pictóricos de vuestras maletas, pero al fin ha sido posible exponer al público esta importante colección, fruto del esfuerzo, la dedicación, el interés y el arte que habéis puesto mucho en los trabajos.
Disfrutad de ella.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Rock Cycle

This week, we're going to talk about the Rock Cycle.
Have a look at this animation and you'll be able to understand how rocks are formed.

                                               Rock Cycle

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

25 de noviembre: Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer

Hi everyone!!!

As you can see, the next 25th of November, we'll celebrate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

That's why we are going to pay tribute to Malala, a 14 years old teenager, who suffered a cruel attack by the Talibans some weeks ago, just for being in favor of the Girls Education.

Read, answer and think about this piece of information.

I hope you'll like it.

Thanks to Pilar Subirat, the Coordinator for Co-education project in our school. She's proposed to work on this interesting issue.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Shake up Christmas

Yeeeeeeeeeeees!!! I know it's just November...but I'd like to share this song with you and ask you if you'd like to learn it for Christmas... It's a very nice song with lyrics included. It's sung by 'Train' and it tells a tender story. Here you are, and tell me what you think about it. Are you brave enough to learn it???

viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Clothes and physical descriptions

As I know that some of you will be having a look at the blog in order to know the ' latest news'...
Here you are some suggestions for the new English Lessons: Unit 1: Family and friends.
We'll be working on the physical characteristics for describing people and the clothes.
I hope you'll enjoy the novelties.
Click on the images and you'll be able to work on them:-D

Here you are a wonderful tale written by Hans Christian Andersen. It's related to the topic of clothes and the story in your book about vanity. Enjoy it!